Dari Barra ibn Azib r.a berkata; Rasulullah SAW bersabda: Sesungguhnya Allah Ta'ala dan para malaikatNya menurunkan rahmat ke atas orang-orang yang berada di saf hadapan iaitu saf yang paling hampir dan para malaikat berdoa untuknya dan tidak ada satu langkah yang lebih dicintai oleh Allah, daripada langkah orang yang memenuhkan saf yang kosong. (HR Abu Daud)

Enjoy Writing This Holiday?

 السلام عليكم
 peace be upon you

Well..Holiday seems to bring alot of attention isn't it??
For those who celebrated chinese year, Happy CNY~

I have been keeping myself fit through this winter season. Nothing interesting to do here except work! work! and work! haha..  and maybe it would be great if i be able to write out for this blog just like before. 

Holiday brings happinese, and happinese bring difference!! Don't forget to act as if what you do makes a difference! Discover the value of your own life ok !~


maybe i should invent something useful to let it 'pulled out' stress inside my leg. LOL.

p/s: broken through the inside of  ur life. what would you do??

1 comment

Mon Jan 23, 07:47:00 pm GMT+8

dya will find value of my life..hehe

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