Dari Mahmud bin Labidh r.a meriwayatkan bahawa Nabi SAW bersabda: Dua benda yang mana tidak disukai oleh manusia, pertama ialah maut sedangkan maut itu lebih baik daripada fitnah. (kerana dengan kematian manusia akan terhindar dari fitnah yang boleh merosakkan agama). Kedua ialah kurangnya harta, sedangkan dengan kurangnya harta sedikitlah penghisabannya di hari akhirat kelak. (HR Musnad Ahmad, Majma uz Zawaid)

Why Relationship Fail?

 السلام عليكم
 peace be upon you

Relationship fails because of..

Trust issues, but (you) take no action..

communication issues, but (you) ignored Him..

above of all that is..

commitment issues.. yes.. the hardest things to achieve..

i'm referring this as a slave of Allah. Where our commitment should be point to..It's not about who we are against each others..

Allah SWT says in the al-Quran :

" ...For if you do so,indeed, it is (grave) disobedience in you. And fear Allah. And Allah teaches you. And Allah is Knowing of All Things. "

(Surah al-Baqarah : 282)

Nothing is easier than saying words. nothing is harder than living them day after day..

think about it..



1 comment

Thu Mar 01, 10:10:00 pm GMT+8

thnks utk entry ni...
terpikir sejenak...

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