Dari Zaid bin Thabit r.a berkata: saya telah mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda: Jika matlamat seseorang itu adalah dunia maka Allah SWT akan memporak perandakan urusannya. Yakni Allah SWT akan menyusahkannya di dalam segala urusan (rasa khuatirkan) kemiskinan terbayang-bayang dihadapan matanya, dan dia akan mendapat dunia hanya sekadar apa yang telah ditakdirkan untuknya. Dan sesiapa yang niatnya adalah akhirat, maka Allah SWT akan memudahkan urusannya dan Allah SWT akan menjadikan hatinya kaya, dan dunia akan datang dalam keadaan hina kepadanya. (HR Ibnu Majah)

Syaitan's Lover

 السلام عليكم
 peace be upon you

Roses are red, Violets are blue. So it goes to male and female.. Especially syaitan is the third one present in black color between the intimate two. Bringing the power of black. Black is nothing, but destructive.. 

Allah says in the al-Quran :

" Say, " I seek refuge in the Lord of Mankind. The Sovereign of Mankind. The God of Mankind. From the evil of the retreating whisperer. who whispers (evil) into the breasts of mankind; From among the jinn and mankind." "

Surah an-Nas : 1-5

You may say that color is nothing important. But did you know why the endless hell (Jahannam) were covered by fire? Syaitan also were created from fire (but. Did not Allah think this far?

The reason is simple!

“Even though Syaitan ( devil ) and Jahannam ( Hell-fire ) were created by fire, if Allah wants, insya-Allah the Hell-fire will become a very painful place for Syaitan”

So, don't let Syaitan deceive you! Only if you willing to be a part from Hell-fire prisoner.. 

The happiness he provides with wrong doings is temporary and will earn the punishment of this world and the next. Strive to do good deeds, after all thats one things you'll be taking to the grave.

you need one thing to clear up all this mess by going through..

Journey of  repentance


cheer up !!~



Wed Jan 25, 12:19:00 pm GMT+8

salam nice entry tq for shared..
jemput ziarah dan tinggalkan komen anda disini tq

Wed Jan 25, 03:29:00 pm GMT+8

lame x mjguk sini sbb sbuk.btoll2..
kenpa syaitn dicipta dr api n dimasukkn ke dalam api??
jawpannya sama mcam :
manusia yg dpukul oleh manusia..wlau pon sme jnis tp tetp rasa skit kan..

nice entry.. i like!!! : ) thankzzz

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