Dari Aisyah r.ha meriwayatkan bahawa Nabi SAW bersabda: Barangsiapa yang istiqamah bersolat 12 rakaat, Allah akan membinakan mahligai untuknya di dalam syurga. (12 rakaat itu ialah): 4 rakaat sebelum zohor, 2 rakaat selepas Zohor, 2 rakaat selepas Maghrib, 2 rakaat selepas Isyak dan 2 rakaat sebelum Subuh. (HR Nasa’i)

In The Midle Of Ramadhan? Are You Ready??

  السلام عليكم
 peace be upon you

Looks like 'february season' is ahead; Willing to passing by our journey of life. If there is anything you wish to do, go grab it! hey yoh~

But remember not to overreact~ syaitan's THE gangster always watch our future step. 

Last but not least,
Ramadhan, the month of the al-Quran is not that far. Only a few months to go until we meet it..

So, are you ready for it?
No? Then lets start preparing our goal now!! It's never too early yet~
Take your first plan by looking for sunnah wal jamaah and how they prepared for it!! Don't waste your time~

Allah SWT says in the al-Quran :

" Indeed, the wasteful are brothers of the devils, and ever has syaitan been to his Lord ungrateful. "

surah al-Isra' : 27


LOL. hat is... wrong!!
the right one is..




1 comment

Tue Jan 24, 10:47:00 pm GMT+8

dya tak habis lagi puasa gnti..hehe

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