Dari Abu Said r.a dan Jabir bin Abdullah r.a meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda: Mengumpat adalah lebih buruk dari zina. Para sahabat r.hum bertanya; Wahai Rasulullah, bagaimana mengumpat itu lebih buruk dari zina? Baginda SAW menjawab: Seorang yang berzina boleh memohon ampun, maka Allah SWT mengampunkannya, tetapi orang yang diumpat, apabila dia tidak memaafkan orang yang mengumpat, maka pengumpat tetap berdosa. (HR Baihaqi)

In The Midle Of Ramadhan? Are You Ready??

  السلام عليكم
 peace be upon you

Looks like 'february season' is ahead; Willing to passing by our journey of life. If there is anything you wish to do, go grab it! hey yoh~

But remember not to overreact~ syaitan's THE gangster always watch our future step. 

Last but not least,
Ramadhan, the month of the al-Quran is not that far. Only a few months to go until we meet it..

So, are you ready for it?
No? Then lets start preparing our goal now!! It's never too early yet~
Take your first plan by looking for sunnah wal jamaah and how they prepared for it!! Don't waste your time~

Allah SWT says in the al-Quran :

" Indeed, the wasteful are brothers of the devils, and ever has syaitan been to his Lord ungrateful. "

surah al-Isra' : 27


LOL. hat is... wrong!!
the right one is..




1 comment

Tue Jan 24, 10:47:00 pm GMT+8

dya tak habis lagi puasa gnti..hehe

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